
Common technical seo issues- know about them and the ways to fix them

Common technical seo issues

Seo or search engine optimization is very fruitful for growth of your business if it is done in the best way. There are many different types of seo such as white hat seo, black hat seo, etc. One can get the right outputs by using the right techniques.

Here in this blog we are going to discuss the seo issues and ways to tackle them. Seo revolves around content creations, keywords, etc. There are some issues that can act as a hurdle in your progression of seo. You will learn about the issues that arise in seo and how you can tackle them. Check the blog further and then get more information seo company in Gurgaon.

Pay attention to the issues and try to fix them by working on them. Let us describe everything in detail in the sections below.

Technical seo and its importance

Technical seo is important for your site. Technical seo is related to the technical things of your site. Content is stored, found with help of technical seo. The importance of technical seo is shared in the points below.

These are the points that can help you in getting to know about technical seo and its importance. Some issues can come across while making your site better. The issues are shared in next section.

Common technical issues that you should know

The issues that occur in technical seo are shared as follows and you can check them out. The different ways by which you can fix them are shared too. Learn more about them by checking the points below.

 1. Incorrect index- Sometimes the index is not marked correctly and that is why the visibility suffers. You can check the index of your site by searching on google. If it doesn’t appear then it might need solutions for it. The methods to fix it are shared as follows.

2. Slow speed of page- Speed page is another important factor in technical seo. If the page speed is slow then it affects the audience. The loading speed should be fast. The problem can be fixed by-

3. Problem of duplicate content- Technical seo can spot the duplicate content too. Content duplication affects your site. You can check this issue by searching for your content in other sites. If it’s present then you need to fix it. Methods of fixing are-

4. Broken links in the site- Internal linking and external linking is important. The site can grow well if the linking is done greatly. The links when they get broken then one can get issues in sites. The best ways to fix it are shared as follows.

5. Inability of mobile friendliness- The site should be mobile friendly. If the site is not optimised according to mobiles then it can cause trouble. This can be fixed by-

These are top 5 technical seo issues that you need to fix. Read the points that are mentioned for fixing the issues. Make the technical seo great and then get good results.

Best tools for best technical seo

Technical seo can be improved by working on it. The best tools that can help you in doing so are shared as follows. Check the tools that can make the technical seo better by reading points below.

These are top tools that can make your site better. Work on your technical seo and then get awesome results. You can make better changes by doing thorough research. Technical seo can be your first step towards making the best site.


Technical seo is used for making a site great. You can get the best results by having proper technical seo. There can be some issues in technical seo that you need to work on. You can know about those issues by reading this blog. Tags, descriptions, visibility, indexing, etc can suffer from some issues. The ways to fix them are shared too. Read this blog and get proper outcomes related to technical seo. Take steps towards making the site good with the help of tools. Check the tools and then learn more about it. You will make your site the best!

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